1. What kind of products does Ebony Wood Crafts manufacture?
  • Ebony Wood Crafts manufactures a variety of products in two segments: Hampers, Gifts and Events, and Home and Utility. These products include wooden home decor, furniture, kitchenware, and gift items.
  1. Are Ebony Wood Crafts' products made of high-quality materials?
  • Yes, Ebony Wood Crafts' products are made of high-quality materials such as premium-grade wood, stainless steel hardware, and premium PU polish.
  1. How long does it take for Ebony Wood Crafts to deliver their products?
  • Ebony Wood Crafts typically delivers products within 5-7 business days, although delivery times may vary depending on the location and availability of the product.
  1. What is Ebony Wood Crafts' return policy?
  • Ebony Wood Crafts has a 14-day return policy for all products, with the exception of customized or made-to-order items. Customers can initiate a return by contacting the sales team via email or phone, and the company will either provide a full refund or store credit, depending on the customer's preference.
  1. What is Ebony Wood Crafts' policy on damaged or defective products?
  • If a product is received broken, damaged, or in an unfit condition, Ebony Wood Crafts provides either a full replacement or store credit on a case-by-case basis. Customers must report the damaged or broken product within 72 hours of receiving it, and provide clear visible images of the damage to the sales team via email or text. The company will process the query within 48 hours, and if approved, will provide the customer with store credit in the form of coupons.
  1. Does Ebony Wood Crafts offer customization services?
  • Yes, Ebony Wood Crafts offers customization services for some of their products. Customers can contact the sales team to inquire about customization options and pricing.
  1. How can I contact Ebony Wood Crafts for support or inquiries?
  • Customers can contact Ebony Wood Crafts' sales team via email or phone, and the company also has a contact form available on their website for inquiries. Additionally, the company has a FAQ section on their website that may answer some common questions.